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What Are The Best Poses to Learn in a Yoga Instructor Certification?

What Are The Best Poses to Learn in a Yoga Instructor Certification?

Are you curious about the best poses to learn in a yoga instructor certification? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll talk about the important poses that will make you a skilled and confident yoga instructor.

From basic standing poses to upside-down poses, bending forward poses to relaxing poses, you’ll learn the main poses that will improve your teaching abilities.

Get ready to improve your own practice and motivate others on their yoga journey!

Standing Poses

Learn the five important standing poses that you should become skilled at in your yoga instructor training. Standing poses are a crucial part of yoga because they help you get stronger, improve your balance, and become more flexible. These poses also form a solid base for other yoga postures and can be adjusted to suit people of all levels.

Marianne Wells YTT The first standing pose you should become skilled at is Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose. This pose may seem easy, but it’s the foundation for all other standing poses. It teaches you how to stand correctly, feel grounded, and improve your posture.

The second important standing pose is Virabhadrasana II, or Warrior II Pose. This pose makes your legs stronger, opens your hips, and builds your stamina. It also helps you focus and concentrate better.

Next, we’ve Utthita Trikonasana, or Extended Triangle Pose. This standing pose stretches and strengthens your legs, hips, and spine. It also helps you improve your balance and stability.

Moving on, we’ve Vrksasana, or Tree Pose. This pose challenges your balance and makes your legs and core stronger. It also helps you concentrate and focus better.

Lastly, we’ve Ardha Chandrasana, or Half Moon Pose. This pose improves your balance, makes your legs and core stronger, and stretches your hamstrings and hips. It also helps you coordinate your movements better and become more stable.

Balancing Poses

Immersive trainings provide students the space to master balancing asanas with care and patience. Balancing poses are an integral component of yoga instructor training because they challenge your stability and concentration. These poses require you to find your center of gravity and hold challenging positions while maintaining balance. They not only improve physical balance but also enhance mental focus. As a yoga instructor, it’s crucial for you to excel in balancing poses to effectively guide your students. The Marianne Wells YTT allows students to safely build strength and stability in balancing postures over the course of the training.

One popular balancing pose is the Tree Pose. In this pose, you stand tall and shift your weight onto one leg, while bending the other leg and placing it on the inner thigh or calf of the standing leg. Your arms can be extended overhead or held in a prayer position at your chest. Tree Pose strengthens your legs, ankles, and core muscles, while improving overall body awareness and balance.

Another important balancing pose is the Eagle Pose. This pose requires you to wrap one leg around the other, while crossing your arms at the elbows and intertwining them in front of your chest. Eagle Pose strengthens your legs, improves hip flexibility, and enhances focus and concentration.

The final balancing pose we’ll discuss is the Dancer’s Pose. In this pose, you stand on one leg and reach the opposite arm forward, while simultaneously extending the other leg backward and grabbing the foot with your hand. Dancer’s Pose improves balance, flexibility, and core strength, while also opening up the chest and shoulders.

Forward Bends

To become more flexible and relax your muscles, focus on doing forward bends during your yoga instructor training. Forward bends are important in yoga because they help stretch and lengthen the muscles in the back of your body, like your hamstrings, calves, and lower back. These poses also massage your abdominal organs, which helps with digestion and detoxification.

One common forward bend is called Standing Forward Bend. In this pose, you stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend forward from your hips, reaching your hands towards the ground or your shins. This pose helps release tension in your back and hamstrings, and it also helps calm your mind and reduce stress.

Another effective forward bend is called Seated Forward Bend. In this pose, you sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and fold forward from your hips, reaching for your feet or ankles. This pose stretches your whole back, from your heels to the top of your head. It also stimulates your digestive organs and can help with anxiety and depression.

To make your forward bend practice even better, you can try different variations like Head-to-Knee Forward Bend and Half Forward Bend. These poses target specific areas of your body and have extra benefits, like stretching your hips and relieving fatigue and trouble sleeping.

Remember to be patient and listen to your body when doing forward bends. It’s important to modify the poses if needed to avoid hurting yourself. With regular practice and proper alignment, forward bends can help you become more flexible, release tension, and feel calm and relaxed during your yoga practice.


Backbends are important poses in yoga that help make your spine and muscles stronger and more flexible. They also help open up your chest, improve your posture, and boost your energy. There are different backbend poses you should learn and get good at so you can teach them to your students effectively.

One common backbend pose is Cobra Pose. To do this pose, lie on your belly and lift your chest off the ground while keeping your legs and pelvis on the floor. Cobra Pose helps strengthen your back muscles and make your spine more flexible.

Another important backbend pose is Bridge Pose. To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up, making a bridge shape with your body. Bridge Pose stretches your chest, shoulders, and neck, and also works your glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.

Wheel Pose is a more advanced backbend pose that you can work towards. Start by lying on your back with your feet hip-width apart and hands beside your shoulders. Push into your hands and feet to lift your hips and chest off the ground, making a full backbend. Wheel Pose strengthens your entire back, opens your shoulders and chest, and makes your spine more flexible.

As a yoga instructor, it’s important to guide your students safely in and out of backbend poses. Make sure they’ve the right alignment and offer modifications as needed. By teaching backbends, you can help your students improve their posture, strength, and flexibility, and enjoy the many benefits of these empowering poses.


Twists are important in yoga because they help release tension and make your spine more flexible. They also have many benefits for your body and mind. When you twist, you give your spine more space to move and relieve any stiffness or discomfort. Twisting poses also help your digestive system and make it easier for your body to get rid of toxins.

One common twisting pose is the seated spinal twist. To do this pose, sit with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your right knee and put your right foot on the outside of your left knee. Put your right hand on the ground behind you and twist your upper body to the right. Hook your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Take a few deep breaths, lengthening your spine when you breathe in and deepening the twist when you breathe out. Then do the same thing on the other side.

Another popular twisting pose is the Revolved Triangle Pose. Start by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Step your left foot back and turn it out at a 45-degree angle. Stretch your arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground. Breathe in and lengthen your spine, then breathe out and twist your upper body to the right. Put your left hand on the ground and reach your right hand up towards the ceiling. Look towards your right hand and hold the pose for a few breaths. Then do the same thing on the other side.

Adding twisting poses to your yoga practice won’t only make your spine more flexible but also help with digestion and getting rid of toxins. These poses give your body and mind a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. So, next time you do yoga, remember to do some twisting poses and enjoy all the benefits they bring.


In yoga, inversions are when you go upside down. They’re really good for you because they help with your blood flow, make you stronger, and clear your mind.

But, it’s important to be safe and learn how to do inversions correctly before trying the harder ones. Also, you should start with easy inversions and slowly move on to the harder ones, while paying attention to what your body can handle.

Benefits of Inversions

Incorporate inversions into your yoga routine to maximize the benefits.

Inversions are poses where your head is below your heart, like headstands, shoulder stands, and handstands. These poses have many advantages for your body and mind.

Firstly, they increase blood flow to the brain, which helps with thinking and focus. They also reduce stress and anxiety by making you feel calm and relaxed.

Inversions improve lymphatic circulation, which boosts your immune system and removes toxins. They also improve posture, strengthen your core and upper body, and improve balance.

Adding inversions to your yoga practice can make it more challenging and rewarding.

Safety Considerations for Inversions

To make sure you practice inversions safely, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Inversions, like headstands or shoulder stands, can be really good for you. They can improve your blood flow and help you feel more grounded. But they can also be risky if you don’t take the right precautions.

First, it’s important to be comfortable with basic yoga poses before trying inversions. This will give you the strength and stability you need to keep your neck and spine safe.

It’s also crucial to warm up your body properly before attempting any inversions. They require a lot of strength in your core and upper body.

Finally, always listen to your body and don’t push yourself into an inversion if it feels uncomfortable or painful.

Progression of Inversion Poses

To get better at yoga and stay safe, it’s important to try different inversion poses in a step-by-step way. Inversions like headstand and shoulderstand have many benefits, like better blood flow, more strength, and clearer thinking. But you have to be careful and know your body’s limits.

Start with simple inversions like downward dog or legs up the wall pose to get used to being upside down. As you get stronger and more confident, you can try harder inversions like forearm stand or handstand.

Always warm up properly and listen to your body. With practice and guidance, you can get better at inversions in a safe and gradual way.

Restorative Poses

Restorative poses are great for your yoga practice and can help your body and mind relax and heal. These poses are designed to release tension, reduce stress, and make you feel calm and well. If you have a busy and hectic life, doing these poses can be especially helpful because they allow you to slow down and connect with your body and breath.

One popular restorative pose is Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose. In Savasana, you lie flat on your back with your arms and legs relaxed, letting your body completely relax on the ground. This pose helps you relax deeply and reduces anxiety and fatigue.

Another restorative pose is Child’s Pose, or Balasana. This pose lets you fold forward and rest your forehead on the ground, giving a gentle stretch to your back and hips. Child’s Pose is really good for relieving tension in your neck, shoulders, and lower back.

Supported Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, is another restorative pose that can release tension in your back and hips. In this pose, you lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Putting a block or cushion under your lower back raises your hips and opens your chest and shoulders gently.

Restorative poses can be a powerful addition to your yoga practice, helping you relax, recharge, and restore balance to your body and mind. Doing these poses regularly can help you feel calm and well both during and outside of your yoga sessions.